11 SEPTEMBER 1942, Page 12

Sra,—Miss Sorabji, who despite her name obviously cannot be an

Indian, states that Mr. Gandhi's leadership "is disowned by the 90 million depressed -and scheduled classes." A letter to The Times, however, concurrently and correctly pointed out that the numerical strength of these classes is 49 millions. Similarly, out of 151 seats reserved expressly for the scheduled classes, in the 1937 elections Congress won 78, Inde- pendents on the whole favourable to Congress won 51, and Dr. Ambedkar, who is now on the Viceroy's Council, won 13. It should be added that most of the legislative improvement in the Depressed Classes' status in recent years was carried through by the Congress [If the writer thinks Miss Sorabji is not an Indian he had better consult Who's Who.—ED., The Spectator.]