The Children Of Europe S111,—in Your Issue Of September 4th
your valued contributor "Janus" raises some questions regarding Mr. Harold Nicolson's remarks in the previous issue about the blockade. Will you allow me to explain very briefly......
Sra,—miss Sorabji, Who Despite Her Name Obviously Cannot...
Indian, states that Mr. Gandhi's leadership "is disowned by the 90 million depressed -and scheduled classes." A letter to The Times, however, concurrently and correctly pointed......
Sta,—i Have Read Mr. Hickman Johnson's Letter On The Indian
situation in your issue of August 28th with much surprise, for it indicates a failure to understand the position in India which it is difficult to comprehend. I do not propose,......
Sta,—the Whole Point Of Those Who Cannot Rest Satisfied With
the present attitude of the British Government in India is that we want the con- viction of those who are at present defying it, rather than their coercion; and we do not......
Sir,—i Should Be Glad If, In Your Next Issue, You
would be good enough to state that the views set forth in my letter published in your correspond- ence on August 28th were my personal views and in no sense an official......
The Situation In India
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SIR,-1%)..) discerning man would wish to find himself opposed to Dr. Edward Thompson in a discussion on India. , But I cannot find that Dr. Thompson in his......