11 SEPTEMBER 1942, page 16

Hitler As Rhetorician

HERE we have the mind of the author of Mein Kampf unfolded before us at intervals over a period of seventeen years through the medium of the spoken word. The speeches reveal......

Unscientific History

Tins book is the first volume of a series which is designed to embrace the entire history of the Church, and, since it deals with the Church in the New Testament, it may be......

Good Eating And Drinking

Table for Two. By T. A. Layton. (Duckworth. los. 6d.) I ANTICIPATE great popularity for this pleasant little book: It con- tains interesting episodic descriptions of......

A Popular Victorian

FROM Addison's knowing whimsies to the accomplished impudence of a Winchell, is a far cry—two centuries and a half of Grub Street. Yet the tortuous road of journalistic history......