11 SEPTEMBER 1942, Page 21

"THE SPECTATOR ' 5 CROSSWORD No. 183 IA Book Token for

one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a zid. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted- from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of ,he winner will be published in th: following issue.)


1. It was from Boston to Lexington.

(4, 7, 4.) 7. In which a famous soldier concealed his extremities. (10, 5.)

to. It sounds the right place for the able- bodied.

11. Zenith.

13. It seems a bit wearisome to get dressed thus.

14. "Silence that dreadful (Shakespeare.) u5. It runs into the Rhine.

17. "The - in his painted portico Trembled before our stern ambassa- dors." (Wilde.) 21. The nigger-minstrel is invited to talk vulgarly.

22. Put her after it with the last letter first.

24. I rent one at a time for her, possibly.

(5, to.)

25. Catch the tone of her mill. (6, 9.)


2. Also, paradoxically, the downs, perhaps.

3. Ambition, in the matter of clothes, extends the tear.

4. Spanish poetic star.

5. Yield.

6. Soil died in this.

S. Eat during the bowling. 9. Wolf swallowed tail-last by a Spanish leader.

to. What may be made of cherry-ripe.

(6, 3.) t2. Here one is very much at sea.

15. "The best and - - of this is That neither is most to blame."

(Swinbume.) (3, 5.) 15. They don't really quake.

59. Here's company!

20. Got the change?

23. Riderhood hated this. parrotting.