12 APRIL 1856, Page 10


&rocs ExcHANoz, FRIDAY Arrsauoos. The Stocks that lately closed for dividends reopened for private transfer on Monday : the general operations consequently have been numerous. During the first portion of the week the Funds were heavy, and declined f This chiefly arose from sales, and an increase in the pressure for money, both in the Stock Exchange and discount-market, through preparations for instalments due yesterday- on the new Loan and Exchequer Bill funding, at 15 and 20 per cent respectively, forming a total of 1,360,0001. Large sums have been repaid to the Bank in liquidation of advances made during the shutting of the books. Some further mercantile failures this week have occa- sioned uneasiness. Consols have been dealt in at 921 to 93k: this includes an improvement of I yesterday, when the settlement of the Account VOW arranged, and a report was revived that the Bank of England contemplated a reduction in the rate of discount ; a rumour based more on the firm state of the Continental exchanges than any expectation of retaining in this

country more than a portion of the Australian gold-arrivals, so long as the Bank of France is supplied from this side, and shipments of gold to the East for the Turkish loan and other payments are in full operation. The supposed alteration in the rate of discount proved il- lusory, and the Funds fell 1 on the breaking-up of the Bank meet- ing. Today they have been lower : Consols have been clime at 921, and leave off 93 and 931 for Account. It is expected the Bank return this evening will be unfavourable. Exchequer Bills have fallen Is. The dividends were paid to the public at the Bank of England on Wed- nesday. The French Funds have advanced this week about I. • The gold and specie arrivals have comprised 448,0001. from Australia, and 36,000/. from America. • In Foreign Securities, the late improvement has been well maintained, and in some cases a demand has existed at higher rates. Austrian, Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Buenos Ayre ,s are 1, and Granada Deferred

I. better. Turkish Six per Cents are 1, and Mexican 1 lower.

• In Railways, sales have been effected, but without producing much effect, until today, when, owing to several accounts being closed connected with the settlement of Monday next, prices declined. North-British is 1, London and North-Western, Midland, Caledonian, Great Western, and North- Eastern—Berwick, 108. lower. London, Brighton, and South Coast, Scottish Central, and Scottish Midland, are 1/. better. Some of the lead- ing lines have not altered ; including Bristol and Exeter, Great Northern, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and South-Eastern. In the French descriptions, Paris and Lyons and Paris and Orleans are 21., Eastern of France and Northern of France 15s. higher.


The English Funds are dull this morning, but at present there is very little difference. Consols for Money are 92k 3, and for Account 931 1. Exchequer Bills 31 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 392,228/. The monthly return of bullion by the Bank of France, just published, is more favourable, showing an increase of 2,166,0001.; the total amount held is now 10,730,000/. The premiums paid on the purchase of gold and silver during the month has been 75,300!.: in the preceding return it was 52,4001. In Foreign Stocks, Chili= is 1 better, being now 102 4 ex div. Railways are a little lower—Aberdeen, 271; Caledonian, 611 ; Great Northern, 94; Great Western, 641 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 103; London and North-Western, 1011 ; 741.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account ...... .......

3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities 92 3 93 91 92 3 3 16 Dutch 26 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 93 Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 46 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 54 63 5 5 ex d.

226 3 78 80 6 ex cl.

Bank Stock 2134 144 Portuguese 4 per Cents 48 50 Exchequer Bills 3 1 dis. Russian 5 per Cents 104 6 India Stock 227 30 Ditto 46 per Cents 94 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 89 92 Spanish 3 per Cents 456 6 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 ex d. Ditto Deferred 241 5 Belgian 46 per Cents 95 7 Sardinian 5 per Cents 94 6 . Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 ex d. Swedish 4 per Cents 87 SO Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Turkish 6 per Cents 98

4 ex d.

Danish 3 per Cents

83 5 exd. Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed

1015 2


In the report of the Great Western of Canada Company, the net balance at the credit of the concern is shown to be 73,149/. This will pay a divi- dend at the rate of 8 per cent per annum for the half-year, and leave 366/. The total expenditure to the 31st of January last on account of the main line and Galt branch has been 3,762,264/. The line from Hamilton to To- ronto was opened on 3d of December, and the traffic upon it hitherto has exceeded expectations. At the half-yearly meeting at the London Tavern, on Wednesday, the report was can-led. The dividend will be payable on the 21st instant.

• Two heavy London failures were reported on Saturday. Messrs. Byers, Walker, and Co., East India and general merchants, -have stopped with liabilities amounting to 260,000/. The stoppage is ascribed to lack of re- mittances from India, and the great fall in the price of colonial produce : Messrs. Syers hold goods which have cost more than 220,000/., but they could only be realized at a heavy depreciation. This suspension involved that of Mr. W. 0. Young, shipowner, broker, and insurance-agent, who was largely. connected with Syers and Co. : his liabilities, exclusive of in- sura.nce-policies, are estimated at 120,000/.

On Monday, three more suspensions were announced : Messrs. Saunders and Harrison, seed-crushers, oil-refiners, and soapmakers—liabilities 60,000/., assets about 158. in the pound ; Mr. Thomas Harrison, ship- owner and asphalte-manufacturer, in consequence of a connexion with Byers and Co. ; and Messrs. Woollett and Nephew, ship and insurance agents.

At .a meeting of Bank-of-England proprietors, on Tuesday, Mr. Wegueliu was reelected Governor, and Mr. S. Neave Deputy-Governer ; next day the Directors were elected.

Mr. Philip Patton Blyth, Mr. J. C. Ewart *MP., and Mr. William Lee M.P. have been elected Directors of the London and County Bank. Mr. William M'Kewan is appointed General Manager.

The first of the schemes by. which English capital will be sought to work out improvements in Russia is already advertised—the Commercial Raila-ay of Russia, Riga, and Dfinaburg. Capital 1,600,000!.; with a guaranteed interest from Government equivalent to 5 per cent, and a sinking-fund for the ultimate redemption of the shares at par. The length of the line is 140 miles, from Riga to Diinaburg, where it will join the line from St. Pe- tersburg to Warsaw.


The English Funds have undergone a few slight variations since the morning, but close as they were quoted at the opening. Consols have been alternately buyers and sellers at 93, and leave off 94 3 for Money and 931 1 for Account. Exchequer Bills 3 1 discount. In Foreign Stocks there is no change. Equador New Consolidated has been done at 151; Spanish Certificates 51.

Railways present very little difference—Aberdeen, 271 ; Caledonian, 61i ; Chester and Holyhead, 161 ; Great Northern, 94- Great Western, 641 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 881; London and Blackwell, 71 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1031; London and North-Western, 104 ; Lon- don and South-Western, 95; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 281 ; Midland, 741 ; North British, 34j; North-Eastern—Berwick, 781 ; Ditto York, 56; Scottish Midland; 741 ; South-Eastern, 721. Preference Shares —Aberdeen, 118; Caledonian 41 per Cent, 961 ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 116; East Indian Extension, 22j; Great Western of Canada, 264; Paris and Lyons t 531. llines—Brezilian Imperial Cocaes and Cuiaba, 3:1; Linares, 7; United Mexican, 31. Joint Stock Banks—Australasia, 97; London red Bank of Australia, 171 ; London end County, 344; London and Westminster, 47; Union of London, 274. Miscellaneous—Canada Govern- ment 6 per Cent January and July, 109I; Crystal Palace, 21 ; Electric Telegraph, 93; Peel River Land and Mineral, 3; Royal Mail Steam, 791.