The Mintiteur Of This Morning Publishes The Following...
Marshal Pelissier. "Sebastopol, April 7.—The very marked improvement in the general state of health continues. The typhus becomes daily less violent. It is visibly abating. I......
SATURDAY. The Education debate was brought to a close last night, by a division 'which affirmed Mr. Henley's amendment by a great majority. Before the debate was resumed, much......
The Gazette Of Last Night Contained A Despatch From Dr.
Hall on the sanitary condition of the Army in the East. All are healthy ; and even the condition of the Land Transport Corps is more satisfactory. "Taking the whole force in the......
At A Special Meeting Of The Court Of Common Council,
yesterday, Mr. Valiance moved a series of resolutions denouncing Sir George Grey's bill, and affirming that its provisions would justify opposition to the entire measure. Mr.......
It Is Understood To Be Her Majesty's Intention That State
balls shall take place on Thursday the 8th of May and Friday the 6th of June ; and that concerts shall be given on Wednesday the 30th of April and Friday the 30th of May.—Court......
Justice Has At Length Overtaken One Of The Assassins Of
Miss Hinds. In the trial of James Murphy before the Special Commission at Cavan, on Thursday, the evidence for the Crown being irresistible the Jury, after a consultation of two......
To Correspondents.
The letter of" W. .B. C." is in type, but postponed for want of room. " Stylites" should have given his address.......
Money Market.
&rocs ExcHANoz, FRIDAY Arrsauoos. The Stocks that lately closed for dividends reopened for private transfer on Monday : the general operations consequently have been numerous.......