12 APRIL 1856, page 20


On the 27th March, at Howbury Hall, near Bedford, the Wife of Frederick C. Polhill Turner, Esq., of a daughter. i On the 2d April, n Craven Place, Hyde Park, the Hon. Mrs. James......

Napoleon At Bassano.

We spoke some considerable time ago of the picture by Mr. T. Y. Barker of "Napoleon the Great Rebuking his Officers at Bassano." "The conqueror and his suite," says the story,......

Publications Received.

BOOKS. Ac-rer.u. affairs, either past or contemporary, still predominate in publi- cations. Besides a Lady Volunteer's Experience among the Hospitals of the East, we have for......

Jiut Arto.

MR. NOEL PATON'S "HOME." On Tuesday, the final "sending-in day" for the Royal Academy, while so many other artists were receiving within their own doors the verdicts of friends,......


PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, APRIL 8. - Partnerships Dissolced. - Taylor and Rankin. Bridgwater, wine-merchants-L Rankin and Taylor, Bristol, wine-merchants-Kershaw and Co.......


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, Aran. 4. Brevet-Brevet-Major J. C. Stock, retired full-pay 10th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in the army, the rank being honorary only. The undermentioned......