raiiiuti I.
Mr. Robert Parry Nisbet, of Southbroom House, was elected, on Wednesday, Member for Chippenham, in the room of the late Mr. Neeld.
An effort was made at Great Yarmouth on Tuesday to get up a public demonstration of joy on the proclamation of peace. The attempt., how- ever, was a failure. Very few persons attended an official meeting called to consider the subject. Mr. Cherry, the Deputy-Mayor, stated his opinion that Great Britain had played a secondary part throughout the war ; and no demonstration WAS decided upon. The subject was also mentioned in the Norwich Town-Council on Thursday ; but it was coldly received.
The Staffordshire Magistrates held a preliminary meeting at Stafford on Tuesday, and adopted a motion by Mr. Adderley to rent a farm-house and eleven acres of land at Haughton' four miles from Stafford, to serve as a Juvenile Reformatory for thirty boys. The boys will be instructed in tailoring, shoemaking, and spade husbandry.
Mr. William Ridler, manager of the Cheltenham and Gloucestershire Bank, and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Town Commissioners, was found dead in his bed on the morning of the 3d. The Bank had recently been in difficulties; its business was ansferred to another bank, the shareholders, it is said, being great sufferers ; Mr. Ridler was a large shareholder. Under these circumstances, it was deemed peculiarly necessary to have an inquest. At its first sitting, it was given in evidence that Mr. Ridler had long suf- fered in health. His medical attendants attributed his death to softening of the heart, which at length failed to act. He was advanced in years, and was taking morphine as a medicine. The Jury thought it requisite to have a. post-mortem examination.
A fatal boiler-explosion occurred in Portsmouth Dockyard on Saturday afternoon. Just as the workmen were washing themselves preparatory to going home, a boiler which worked Nasmyth's steam-hammers burst. Three men were killed, and eleven others hurt, of whom two died on Sun- day night.
Early on Monday morning, a mail-train left Carlisle for Glasgow: it had not gone three miles when the engine-boiler burst, killing both driver and fireman. A lady and a gentleman were badly hurt. The carriages left the rails, and one was turned over. The locomotive had been in use only seven raonths.