THE GI:N-BOAT REVIEW.—In order that there may be the greatest possible display of ships of war and gun-boats, the review at Spithead, _which was to have been on the 16th, has been postponed until the 23d instant The authorities have issued instructions that ships of war and -gun-boats composing the fleet to be reviewed by the Queen shall be sup- plied with the best Welsh coal, not only to prevent her Majesty and the company assembled being obstructed in their view of the evolutions of the fleet by smoke, but to obviate the chances of collision; and the cap- tains and masters of steam-vessels intending to be present are warned that if they do not supply themselves with similar fuel they will be com- pelled to remove to a distance.
Tam BLOCKADE.—The London Gazette of Tuesday officially announced that pending the ratification of the treaty of peace an armistice by sea as well as land has been agreed upon between the Allies and Russia, and that orders have been given for immediately raising the blockade of Rus- sian ports. A Supplement to the Gazette, published on Wednesday, contained two Orders in Council, revoking former orders which pro- hibited trade with Russia and the export of articles contraband of war.
• THE STEAMER Pxerric.—The Tartar and the Desperate, Government screw-steamers, which were despatched by the Lords of the Admiralty in search of the missing Pacific, put into Galway Bay on Monday even- ing, having spent nine days in the search. They have not been able to -discover any trace of the Pacific.
We have the best grounds for stating that there is no truth in rumours which have lately been current, to the effect that Sir Edmund Lyons is about to replace Lord Stratford de Redcliffe as British Ambassador at Constantinople. Sir Edmund has gone to the Mediterranean for the purpose of resuming his command. Lord Stratford, there is no reason -to doubt, will retain his post. —Morning Post, April 10.
'The Duke de Broglie was received into the French Academy on the 3d, introduced by M. Guizot. The Earl of Clarendon was present among the numerous strangers.
Mr. Lewis William Buck, the Member for North Devon, has suffered a paralytic stroke. He was seized at the Exeter station, when about to set out for London. Mr. Buck's age is seventy-four ; he is paralyzed on one side, and his speech is affected ; but hopes are entertained of his recovery. Should he recover, he is expected to retire from public life.
Mr. Bright's health is gradually but slowly improving under hydropathi treatment. The remains of Admiral Symonds were interred in the Protestant cemetery at Marseilles on the 4th.
Mr. Morris Barnett, the celebrated delineator of Frenchmen on the Eng- lish stage, died at Montreal on the 18th of last month, after a long illness. He was on a professional tour through the United States and Canada, pre- paratory to a final retirement.
M. Monod, the French Protestant Minister, died at Paris on the 7th.
Iluelves, a Dominican friar of Guanabacoa in Cuba, has died at the ex- traordinary age of a hundred and seventeen.
Among the onerous duties that the Queen and Prince Albert have to fulfil may be reckoned that of receivers-general of lunatics' letters. Last week, a clergyman in London was charged with sending mad letters to the Queen ; and close on the heels of this case comes one of Thomas, a baker of Bridgewater, who selected Prince Albert for his epistolary favours. One of these was a modest request for 30,000/. dictated by "Jehovah's angels" to Thomas. The poor man has been sent io the County Asylum.
Forty-eight provincial banks have ceased to issue their own notes since the passing of the act 7 and 8 Victoria, chapter 32; the aggregate amount of their circulation was 735,409/. ; the law permitted the Bank of England to replace two-thirds of this-4,272!.; and in December last the Bank issued 475,0001.
The law ordered that any profit arising from this enlarged issue of paper- money should be applied to the benefit of the revenue ; and it appears that the first instalment of this profit—apparently for three months—amounts to 8078/.
In the year 1855 there was an increase of 2000 in the number of persons employed in the public departments, with an increased expenditure for sala- ries of 241,646/. i the concurrent decrease was 6 persons' and 75,5641. The great augmentations occurred in the Post-office and the War departments.
The sentence on Hans Hansen, the German who killed a fellow soldier at Plymouth, has been commuted to transportation for life. Both men had been drinking deeply together on the night of the homicide, and Hansen does not seem to have premeditated the murder.
By the American niail we learn that the John Rutledge, from Liverpool to New York, with 119 passengers, ran on an iceberg, on the 19th February ; became a wreck, and began to fill : four boats were laden with people and set off; thirteen persons were in a fifth, and the mate and some thirty others were about to enter, when the boat broke adrift, leaving the mate and his companions helpless in the sinking ship. On the 28th February, the Ger- mania fell in with the fifth boat : there was one person alive—a sailor-lad named Nye—and four corpses; eight others, who had died of cold and star- vation, had been thrown overboard. The sufferings of the twelve who perished, and of Nye, were terrible. Nothing is yet known of the other boats.
The screw-steamer Minho, from Liverpool to Barcelona, has been lost off Tarifa, in consequence of a collision with the transport-ship Minden. Within ten minutes after the collision, the steamer had sunk. There were 115 persons on board ; of whom only four passengers and seventeen of the crew were saved.
BERANGER ON THE SECOND EMPIRE.—The Due de Broglie has just been admitted as a member of the Academic Franaise, and it was his part to make a " discours " on the occasion. The hfc of his predecessor the Count de Sainte Aulaire furnished his theme ; and he so handled his subject, that in praising the peaceful administration of a past regime, he obliquely levelled censure at the spirit of conquest and the present. It was the duty of M. Nisard, the youngest member, to welcome the new comer and to respond to him. M. Nisard is a journalist, re- cently introduced to the Academy, it is understood, on the strength of the Imperial favour. The History of the Fronde was the peg upon which to hang oblique eulogies of the First Napoleon who, "an Italian" but "more French than the French," had suppressed conspiracies and intro- duced order into France and Italy : this reply to the Philippist attack was a retrospect intended as a prophecy. On such style of controversy the 'muse of Beranger bursts forth. The following poem has been cir- culated throughout Paris—in manuscript.
" Pauvres enfants! quoi ! VOUS croyez encore Qu'on pout crier, Vivo is liberte
Et sous lea plis du drapeau tricoloro
Filer cclui qui ra ressuseite !
Mos mechants TM dont vow gardez memoire, Oubliez-les ! je viens lea renier : Si j'y croyais, je maudirais ma gloire, Ale! pardonnez au pauvre chansonnier !
"Par quels cotes cc temps qu'on fait revivre
Ressemble-t-il aux.jours rives par moi ?
Moi qui jamais n'in cease de poursuivre Legume, flatteurs, empereur, papa, et roi. Si j'eus des chants pour un grand capitaine, C'est qu'il &sit sans sceptre et prisonnier : Brumaire etait puni par Sainte Helene. Ah! pardonnez au pauvro chansonnier !
"Pour moi Nisard sera-t-ii l'eloquence ? Et Leverrier un second Arago ? Suis-je rami de la nuit, du silence ? Et Belmontet me dent-il lieu 6' Hugo ?
Enfin, mon Dieu at clement, si bonhomme, Est-il le Dieu du sbire et du godlier?
Est-il eelui que ron protege a Rome ? Ah ! pardonnez au pauvre chansonnier ?
" Oui ! j'ai chante epopee heroique Des habit() bleus par In vietoire uses ; C'etaient lea fils de noire Republique Battant vingt ans lee Rois (valises.
Mais le soldat Men browse qui nous guette, Qui nous tuerait pour passer officier, Eat-il le mien trinquant a la guingustte ?
Ale! pardonnez an pauvre chansonmer !
"A In Pologne, 11 la noble Italic, La France doit une dette de sang ; Le canon gronde—en avant !—Mais folie !
Si pm-Ca de nous le terrain eat glisaant ;
Alfons porter plus loin r independence Au Ture, det-il se faire use pen prier. Peuples, void votre sainte alliance !
Ale! pardonnez au pauvre chansonnier !
" Pony, Mars 20, 1856."