• The origin of the recent attempt on the life
of the Sultan bag been a matter of perplexity, even to the diplomatists at Constantinople, but the Petite Ripublique of Paris has received an account which at all events looks true. The bomb or infernal machine was, it is said, exploded by a naval officer, who with many other naval officers was employed by the Sultan as a confidential agent selected to guard his person, and who knew precisely the detail of the weekly ceremonial. He probably fired a little too soon, for his body was found at a short distance from the infernal machine, as well as that of the coachman. A search among his papers revealed the fact that he was instigated by discontented Turks who expect a better government from the heir, Reschid Effendi. It is not proved, however, that the latter was cognisant of the plot, and he has not been arrested, though Of course he is very strictly watched.