12 AUGUST 1905, page 14

With Its Views I Think Most Christians Will Largely Agree.

But if reception by the Churches be the test, can this same reception be confined to the Nicaean Creed ? Or, granting widespread acceptance to be a proof, is not the acceptance......

Lord Roberts And The State Of The Army.

Sra,—Your article in last week's issue admits very truly that the real difficulty in providing a force for home defence, and for the expansion of the Regular Army in times of......


Sin,—In the very interesting letter of Mr. F. L. Boyd on this question in the Spectator of August 5th the following sentence occurs :—" The purely Protestant point of view bases......

Sir,—this Is Not A "right," But A "duty." If The

faith is a "deposit" hid in a napkin, and only brought out and exposed to view for adoration by the faithful, Mr. Boyd's contention has weight; but if as the leaven and the......