12 AUGUST 1905, page 15

With Its Views I Think Most Christians Will Largely Agree.

But if reception by the Churches be the test, can this same reception be confined to the Nicaean Creed ? Or, granting widespread acceptance to be a proof, is not the acceptance......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator."]

Sis,—Your correspondent "Ex-O. 0.," in the Spectator of July 29th, confuses the issues when he suggests that the junior Civil servant of to-day is as young as the junior of......

[to The Editor Of The "spectatoo.."( Sir,—throughout The...

last Saturday's issue it is contended that a Dissolution will take place at the end of October. I might particularly quote the following words :— "We shall be by no means......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator;']

SIE,—May I again draw the attention of your readers to the progress which is being made every year in rendering Ireland more accessible to the British and foreign tourist ? A......

Sra,—in The Newspaper Correspondence On This Subject Is...

some confusion arising from not distinguishing between the clergyman's humanity and the clergyman's pro- fession ? As a man in search of truth, who would wish to fetter his......