[Under this heading we notice Books of the week as ham not been ,reserved for veroiew in other forms.] The Hebrew Prophets. -By Loring W. Batten. (Methuen and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Batten gives us here a very sensible and season- able book. He seeks to realise the actual conditions under which
the Jewish prophets lived and worked. He inquires how they gained a subsistence, what they did for their countrymen, What was thought and expected of them, and whether they wrote down their utterances in advance. (He argues with much force that the prophecies were, for the most part, written down after a considerable interval of time, and that glosses and inter- polations may have been incorporated with the text.) These and other questions are discussed with an open-mindedness and sobriety which are not always in evidence on either side of the "Higher Criticism" controversy.