tbr Itirtrapotto.
The election of an Alderman for Bassishaw Ward commenced on Tuesday ; the candidates being Mr. White, a broker in the City, and Mr. Tegg, the publisher, of Cheapside : the former was supported by the Liberals, the latter by the Tories. At the close of the poll on Tuesday, the numbers were—for White, 34; Tegg, 24 and as Mr. Tegg's friends found that they had no chance of breaking down this majority, the contest was discontinued, and on Wednesday Mr. White was declared duly elected. A vote of thanks from the Ward to their late Alderman, Sir Claudius Hunter, was proposed by Mr. Secondary James : an amendment, expressive of disapprobation of the conduct of Sir Claudius, and blaming him for his neglect of the interests of the Ward, was moved by Mr. Lister, but negatived; and the original mo- tion was carried.
Mr. Salomons having been declared ineligible to take his place among the City senators, another election for Aldgate Ward took place on Tuesday ; when Mr. Humphery, M.P. for Southwark, was elected without opposition. Mr. Mayhew, formerly Member for Colchester, intended to oppose Mr. Humphery; but contented himself with hand- ing in a written protest against the election, alleging informality in the notices issued by the Lord Mayor.
The Silver Cradle Committee of Aldermen met on Saturday when after some discussion, it was agreed, that as no precedent could be found for presenting the Lord Mayor with a silver cradle or piece of plate, in consequence of his lady having given birth to a child during his Mayoralty, such a mode of congratulation be dispensed with, and that it be merely a verbal compliment drawn up in appropriate language.