In Addition To All These, We Have Several Small Matters
before us, —school-books, children's books, reprints, and so forth; but they must wait another week till we have leisure to arrange, examine, and dismiss them.......
Progress Of Publication.
WE often hear of the seasons having changed as regards their atmospherical effects; it would certainly seem that a revolution is taking place with respect to the coming out of......
We Anticipate Much Both Of Profit And Pleasure From My
Note- Book. The author, Mr. ,JOHN 11I'GREGOR, is an experienced tra- veller, a shrewd observer, an able statist, and (most amusing of all) a lively and graphic writer. A tour on......
Legends Of The Conquest Of Spain, By The Author Of
" the Sketch-Book," is the production classed under the head of His- torical Fable. The two chief subjects of Spanish history which Mr. Iaviatc handles' in this revivification......
Fine Arts.
THE COPIES AT THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. IT was a melancholy spectacle to witness the exhibition this year of the proofs that the tribe of copyists annually afford—at a much......
Mr. 13 Akenvell's Natural Evidence Of A Future Life, Derived
from the Properties of Animate and Inanimate Matter, is a work that demands a very careful and considerate examination,—we may say, a more careful and considerate one than we......
The Two Biographical Volumes Consist Of Letters,...
of S. T. Coleridge. Our copy at present is im- perfect, and we wait for the Preface to acquire a certain notion of the circumstances under which the Letters were written and the......
Scharf Has Completed His Series Of Six Views Of The
Zoological Gar.. dens, which are stitched up in a wrapper characteristically pictured. In addition to the four we previously noticed, there arc the Chim- panzee—which is just......
The Gallery Of Modern Rita Artists, Is A Title That
the contents of the volume do not bear out ; for the pictures engraved are, with one ex- ception, water-colour drawings; and we look in vain for specimens even of some of the......