British 1111 - Se1'31.
TO TILE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. llth December 1835. SI r.—It is not, perhaps, known to many of your readers, that a Committco. of Inquiry into the management and affairs of the......
Laws, Courts, And Judges, At Malta.
[FRO]t A CORRESPONDENT.) General publicity being the first step to the reform of abuses, which very often only exist because they are concealed, we are induced to lay before Our......
King O'neil Has Been Crowned With Success, And Promises To
extend his mirth-creating sway over the dominion of Covent Garden for a good while to come. Indeed, this could hardly fail to be the case, considering the nature of his Power ;......
Mil Willis's Errors.
TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Paris. 301 December 1t33. SIR—In the review of Wiotis's Pencillings by the Way, in your paper of the 29th ultimo, it is said, " We wonder if the......
Electoral Registration Amendment.
TO THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR. Wrexham, Wit December 1833. Sin—Your readers are much obliged to Mr. COOPER for the pains he has taken in pointing out the defects and suggesting......
The Opening Of Praha:ws New And Superb Theatre, The St.
James's, was, at the eleventh hour, postponed till next Monday, to give time for thoroughly drying the walls and thing the house. Every thing inside will now be complete and......
We Congratulate Mr. Peaxe On The Substantial Proof Of Public
favour afforded hint by his benefit on Thursday ; which was a benefit in the fullest sense of the term. The Lyceum was completely filled, with a select audience, at Drury Lane......