BRITISH 1111 - SE1'31.
llth December 1835.
SI r.—It is not, perhaps, known to many of your readers, that a Committco. of Inquiry into the management and affairs of the British Museum was moved for by Mr. B. HA WES, the Member for Lambeth, and being appointed, sat from the lath of May till the :3rd of August last; during which time, many witnesses were examiued (including the Principal Librarian and Secretary, and Messrs. KONIG, Cirioneesa GRAY, Samoueor.e, HAWEiNs, and Bnowe); and the Evidence, with an Appendix, was ordered to he Printed; it being understood that the inquiry would be renewed in the ensuing session of Parliament. More than for months having now elapsed since the discontinuance of the Com- mittee's labours, the literary and scientific world are naturally anxious for the appearance of the Evidence; which, it is expected, will furnish abundance of curious and valuable information not only respecting the management and re- sources of the British Museum, but of many other similar establishments on the Continent. In the hope that this public notice will accelerate the production of these important papers, I am, Sir your obedient servant, n.