12 DECEMBER 1835, Page 7

A t the Edinburgh dinner to the Polish Princes, Mr. IleaumoNr,

M.P. for Northumberland—doubtless, as the Globe says, "prompted by somebody "—thought it fitting to denounce Agitation and O'CONNELL, lie was greeted with a shower of hisses; and the Marquis of BiteanAL- BANE, the Chairman, after a few remarks in justification of agitation for righteous ends, observed, that " in common with the great majority of the meeting," he differed from Mr. Bus ustosr in his personal al- lusion to Mr. O'CONNELL. Mr. 13EAUMONT, though an honest and well-meaning Liberal, is not the most acute of mortals, but is very apt to be influenced by "somebody." In the present instance, we shall hazard a conjecture that his prompter may have been Lord Baoucume.