The Bishopric of Cloync, vacant by the death of Dr.
Brinkley, is now added to that of Cork. But there was some difficulty in making the:arrangement ; as Dr. Kyle, Bishop of Cork, who is a man wise in his generation, refused to undertake the duties of the see if his income were to be derived from tithes. The following bargain, as we learn from the Morning Chronicle, was then agreed upon between Govern- ment and the Bishop-
" The benefice, which is supported by tithes, has been alienated by an Order in Council, hoot the see, and the Bishop derives a secure and well-paid salarv—from a Parliamentary Board." The valuable Vicarage of South Bovey, in Devonshire, has been given to Dr. Carwithen, a gentleman of high character as a scholar and a divine : he is also a Liberal. Two of the most determined opponents of Lord John Russell had the impudence to request Lord Melbourne to confer the living on one of their friends ; but his Lordship told these persons, who made a journey to London on purpose, that lie preferred obliging the friends of his Government. Lord Albert Conyughtan and Viscount Fordwieh have retired from the Army; the former having been Captain, Half pay, ninetieth, and the latter a Lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards. The Hampshire Telegraph suggests the propriety of erecting a pillar and statue to the memory of William the Fourth on the top of Green- wich Park.
There is to he a great agricultural meeting at the Freemason's Tavern on Tuesday next.