A " gift-book" well worth the giving, if the receiver
is competent to appreciate it, is The Life of Christ, by F. W. Farrar, D.D. (Cassell and Co., 10s. net). We have criticised Dean Farrar's work with some freedom in the Spectator from time to time, this particular book not less freely than others. Nor do we feel that we were in any way wrong. This does not hinder us from saying with emphasis that his work was well done, and that this Life of Christ cannot be read by any thoughtful young person without much profit. The Dean of Norwich (Dr. Lefroy) has prefixed a memoir of the author which is for many reasons well worth read- ing.—The King of Kings, Illustrated by Ursula Wood (Mowbray and Co., 5s. net), is a book of drawings adapted from the Old Masters, with appropriate passages from the Gospels. It is an attractive volume.