The Newspapers On Tuesday Contained President Roose-...
Congress, this year a very lengthy Message, in which be reviews every department of politics. The chief interest naturally centres on the passages dealing with the Alaskan award......
At The First Annual Dinner Of The Motor Volunteer Corps,
held on Tuesday evening, Major-General Sir H. Hildyard freely acknowledged the value of the corps as tested at the recent Manceuvres. Contrasting his own experiences at the......
The Other Chief Matters Dealt With In The Message Are
the Venezuelan Arbitration at the Hague, the development of the Army and Navy, and the relations of Capital and Labour. The President congratulates Congress on the steady......
We Regret To Record The Death Of Mr. Herbert Spencer
on Tuesday at Brighton in his eighty-fourth year. Mr. Spencer, who has always been a delicate man, has succeeded, like Locke, in living to a great age and doing a vast amount of......
Sir Michael Hicks Beach Spoke At Cheltenham On Saturday Last
on the occasion of the opening of the new public hall which has been erected by the Town Council, at a cost of 250,000, to replace the old Assembly Rooms. After discussing what......
In View Of His Peculiar Position, A Special Interest...
to the utterances of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who spoke at Halifax on Thursday; but his speech contained nothing of special significance, unless it was the incidental......
At A Council Meeting Of The Central And Associated Chambers
of Agriculture held at the rooms of the Society of Arts on Wednesday, the discussion on preferential tariffs was resumed and pushed to a vote. Mr. Rider Haggard on November 3rd......
Sir Edward Grey, Speaking At Leeds On Wednesday, Dealt...
with the various matters, other than Free-trade, which are part of the Liberal programme, and at considerable length with Mr. Chamberlain. "The time was coming when, if an......
Bank Bate, 4 Per Cent. Consols (2t Per Cent.) Were
on Friday 89.......