12 DECEMBER 1903, page 1

The Times Of Monday Prints A Long And Decidedly Encouraging

despatch from its Berlin correspondent on the subject of the Kaiser's health. It appears that "various irresponsible Press agencies" have been indulging in specu- lations......

The German Imperial Finance Reform Bill Was Introduced In...

Reichstag on Wednesday, and expounded in an able speech by the Secretary of State, Baron von Stengel. We deal elsewhere with the curious financial position of Germany and the......

News Of The Week.

T HE opening of the Japanese Diet on Thursday was marked by one of the most significant events in the modern history of Japan. The Emperor in person de- livered the Speech from......

The Hungarian Crisis Has Been Ended By The Action Of

the Independence party. At a Conference held on Friday, the 4th inst., a resolution was adopted by 54 votes to 28 to the effect that, in exchange for the acceptance and......

The Sitting Of The Reichstag On Thursday Was Signalised By

an amusing duel between Herr Bebel, the Socialist leader, and the Imperial Chancellor. Taking the new Finance Reform Bill as his text, Herr Bebel attacked the Imperial policy on......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any
