The Military Directory in: Spain, - in effect the military dictatorship
of the Marquis de Estella, haS outwardly come to an end. He becomes the .civilian head of a nominally civilian Cabinet, thOugh actual government and administration will be to a great extent in the same hands. The return to such constitutionalism as Spain hat must involve a difficult period of transition. :So far, the: King and his advisers seem to be acting wisely. They see that a dictatorship must not harig on Until Its' success is waning. When its power is at its height, 'then is the moment to begin to lay it down. We Wish for the sake of Italy that Signor Mussolini showed any sign of realising that truth. Some sympathy with Abd-el-Krim has never made us less sympathetic with Spain in her difficulties. We therefore hope that this last step, which, so far as it goes, is in the right direction, is a genuine "one towards constitutionalism. But education, includiOg– political education, is lamentably backward in Spain, and progress is- bound to be very slow if it is to be sure.