[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sia,—practitioners Of...
do not stand alone in thinking that the General Medical Council has exercised the statutory powers to the disadvantage of the public, and has inflicted injury even upon the......
The General Medical Council And Dr. Lloyd
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—The conclusions adverse to the decision of the General Medical Council in the case of Dr. W. Lloyd would appear, having regard to the......
The Case Of Dr. Axiiam
[To the Editor of the Sexereroa.] San,—Will you permit me to say how profoundly I approve of the weighty and righteous support which is being given to the movement to reinstate......
[to The Editor Of The Sexcraxon.] Sin,—my Friend Sir Herbert
Barker writes to me from Italy : " Dear Marston, I wrote to you, but I expect my letter has gone astray—to say that I hoped you would write to the Spectator supporting the case......