The German Potash Loan.
The huge success which attended the flotation on Tuesday of the Potash Syndicate of Germany Bonds for £5,000,000 suggests one or two very interesting considerations. Does the......
Tim Rubber Speculation.
IN view of the cheerfulness which has characterized most markets during the past few months, and especially bearing in mind the rampancy of the rubber market, it remains to be......
Finance-public And Private
THE NEW BANK RATE BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY. LAST week's rise in the Bank Rate from 4 to 5 per cent. has met with more approval than usually follows upon an advance in the Official......
Drastic But Necessary.
Fortunately the company is well supplied with liquid funds. The cash position, therefore, occasions no anxiety, and the shareholders are not called upon t o provide any more......
Financial Notes
THE RECONSTRUCTION OF VICKERS. THE proposal of the directors of Vickers to write down the ordinary shares of the company from £1 to 6s. 8d., thereby cancelling over £8,000,000......