(NEW STYLE) WHEN you see the dwarf stare In through the lattice Puckered with malice, Householder, beware Do those glum eyes peer ? (Slam to the shutter) They are melting your butter And curdling your beer. Before many moons He will crack all the crockery With his thin mockery And tarnish the spoons. Yet worse shall betide ; For he will clamber To the bride-chamber And glower at the bride, Fading the gold
That livened her tresses, Souring caresses Till yoUr saint is a scold. Soon he will pace
With tread more emphatic From cellar to attic— Lord of the place ; Till your heart's but a stock, With dead leaves bedizened And dry as the wizened Tick of a clock. Householder, beware, When leers through the lattice Shrivelled with malice The black dwarf, Care I CECIL DAY LEWIS.