A certain appeasement has appeared in the Liberal Party which
threatened to be divided into two irrecon- cilable groups. Those who disapprove of Mr. Lloyd George's land policy have naturally been resentful at the hint that his special political fund would be withheld from the party as a whole unless his land policy were adopted. On Monday at a meeting of the Liberal and Radical Candidates' Association, Lord Oxford said that the right course was to lay Mr. Lloyd George's land policy before the Convention of the National Liberal Federation. All sections of the party would be consulted, and the -Executive of the National Liberal Federation would then discuss the modifications with the Liberal Land Committee. The N.L.F. Convention will probably not meet before the end of January. Certain modifica- tions already agreed upon between Mr. Lloyd George and the Agricultural Committee of the Liberal Candidates' Association were laid before the Association on Monday. On Tuesday these modifications were adopted with only one amendment. * * *