A Hundred Years Ago
Parliament was opened on Tuesday, by the King in person. The following is a copy of the Speech addressed to the two Houses :
" My Lords and Gentlemen—•I have called you together that you may resume, without further delay, the important duties to which the circumstances of the times require your immediate attention ; and I sincerely regret the inconvenience which I am well aware you must exeerience from so early a renewal of your labours, after the short interval of repose allowed you from the fatigues of the last -session. . . . I deeply lament the distress which still prevails in many parts of my dominions, and for which the preservation of peace both at home and abroad will, under the blessing of Divine Providence, afford the best and most effectual remedy. I feel assured of your disposition to adopt any practicable measures, which you will always find me ready and anxious to assist, both for removing the causes and mitigating the effects of the want of employment which the embarrassments of commerce and the consequent interruption of the pursuits of industry have occasioned. •