The Spanish Constitution The Cortes, Elected Last July To...
up a constitution for the Spanish Republic, ratified its work on Wednesday. The election of Sefior Alcala Zamora as the first President on Thursday was regarded as a certainty,......
Dockers' Wages Reduced By Friendly Agreement Between The...
the trade unions, the wages of dockers throughout the country are to be reduced by 10d. a day from the New Year. The minimum daily wage will then be 11s. 2d. in the larger ports......
The Future Of Burma The Burma Round Table Conference Has
opened with a degree of preliminary agreement which by comparison with its larger and more famous predecessor may be regarded as almost startling. The memorial which U Ba Pe......
The Australian Election The General Election In The...
being keenly contested. For the 76 scats in the House of Representatives, and nine of the 18 scats vacated in the Senate, no fewer than 229 candidates were nominated last week.-......
Voices Across The Sea Tennyson's Vision Of " The Parliament
of man, the Federation of the world," where " the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe," seemed to be brought appreciably nearer last Saturday night, when the......
Bank Rate 0 Per Cent., Changed From 4t Per Cent.
on September 21st, 1931. War Loan (.5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 93 ; on Wednesday week, 95 ; a year info. 10211. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 79/ ; on Wednesday......
A Great Zionist The Dinner Given To Dr. Chaim Weizmann
on Monday was a tribute most justly due. As President of the Zionist Organization for fifteen years, Dr. Wcizmann has borne the burden of long and difficult negotiations with......