12 DECEMBER 1931, page 16

Country Life

MORE ALLOTMENTS. It is a common curiosity, if that is not a contradictory phrase, that the same subject is raised simultaneously from different directions, without any causal......

Feedlng Birds.

A happy feeder of hungry birds—and great numbers I% ill soon be in this class—asks me where she can purchase a bird-bath that is quite proof against cats. The best thing to......

Sprlng In Winter.

And what is characteristic of the present date—of mid- December—in England ? Certainly, little that is, wintry. In all the diarists, new or old, not least in Gilbert White and......

The General Naturalist Is Not Less Well Supplied. His Diary

has been produced as the special year book of the British Empire Naturalists' Association, or Bena as it is fondly called. The association was formed by Kay Robinson, the......

The Allotment For The Workless, And Indeed The Urban Worker,

has never quite earned the reputation it deserved. Its contribution to the national food supply in the War was on a really astounding scale ; and it has given—and continues to......

How Very Close To This Ideal Of The Friends" Was

Ruskin's Guild of St. George, which still flourishes. It has acquired and is prepared to accept as gifts in trust agricultural land a nd cottages for the use of the working......

The Master Finch.

A once rare or rather rare finch appears to be growing much more common, the large and splendid hawfinch. In one neighbour's garden a number are seen continuously ; and some......

A Traveller In Trees.

A tour of the world has just been completed by Mr. Barbe- Baker, the founder of "The Men of the Trees." He may be called a traveller in trees though his samples consist in......