12 DECEMBER 1931, Page 16

Country Life


It is a common curiosity, if that is not a contradictory phrase, that the same subject is raised simultaneously from different directions, without any causal connexion. This week I have been unable to escape the virtues of allotments. First, a villager explained to me that he had discovered how much superior was the country to the town from the extrava- gant greed of visitors from London for the cabbages grown on his allotment. He was convinced that their pale complexions must be due to their lack of fresh green vegetables Second, on the same day a book reached me, a very vigorous little book, with a rather precious but delightful preface, by Sir Michael Sadler, describing the Guild of St. George, which exists largely to carry out Ruskin's idea of the necessity of cultivating a plot. Lastly, came a personal plea to emphasize the Friends' con- tinued determination, if it be any way possible, to organize and equip allotments for miners and others who are out of work.