12 DECEMBER 1931, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. Herbert Green's attitude on the question of Christianity and war contains such obvious fallacies that it is strange that it should command so many supporters as it still does. While the use of force against criminals and persons who know they are doing wrong is a matter for legitimate difference of opinion among Christians by reason of the Temple-purging incident ; that Christ, by precept and example, forbade the use of violence against all who believe, however mistakenly, that they are doing right, is as clear as any fact in the Bible can be.

Surely Mr. Green might be aware that all wars between civilized peoples are, and always will be, defensive in the honest opinion of those who take part, since the public opinion of no civilized country tolerates aggression. And surely he might realize that the average citizen of a civilized country, whether he be in uniform or not, is not a brutal criminal ; has not the mentality of a criminal ; does not, when un- provoked by lighting or treachery, behave like a criminal ; and, therefore, should not be treated like a criminal, either in actual fact or for the purpose of academic discussion.—