LETTERS A sorry tale
Sir: If Michael Vestey had bothered to ask me, he might have written a more accurate piece than the farrago he produced last week (`You may be experiencing some interference', 5 December).
It is untrue that Richard Ayre visited me `that night and discussed the apology that should be delivered'. The letter to Peter Mandelson was my own idea, and the first that Richard Ayre knew of it was when I told him the next day. It was not delivered `early in the morning'. It was not 'a grovel- ling note of apology': I did not think I had anything to apologise for.
If he had called me, I could have explained all this to Mr Vestey. I would also have told him of my personal belief that people's private lives are their own affair, unless they either make them public property or the private life affects how they do their job.
I expect that, in the finest BBC tradition, Michael Vestey had to hand in his reporter's stopwatch when he retired a few years ago. I didn't know they'd taken his phone as well.
Jeremy Paxman
Newsnight, BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12