12 DECEMBER 1998, page 42
When We Had No Bananas
Nicholas Harman A NIGHTINGALE SANG IN FERNHURST ROAD by Christopher Matthew John Murray, £12.99, pp. 176 I f any male in your family is filling in his pension forms this year,......
Here's To You, Mrs Robinson — Yet Again
C. D. C. Armstrong MARY ROBINSON: THE AUTHORISED BIOGRAPHY by Olivia O'Leary and Helen Burke Hodder, f17.99, f6.99, pp. 326 T he flow of books about Mary Robin- son, until last......
Making The Angels Weep
David Nokes UNHOLY PURSUITS: THE WAYWARD PARSONS OF GRUB STREET by E. S. Turner The Book Guild, £15.95, pp. 224 E . S. Turner likes to be known by these initials, though in this......