12 DECEMBER 1998, page 34

The Bottom Line

Sir: I appeal to your American contributor Mark Steyn, whose witty articles I much enjoy, to refrain from bowdlerising the English language by using the word 'ass' for the......

Guardian Of Sobriety

Sir: Peregrine Worsthorne (`As I was say- ing', 21 November), in reminiscing about his days on the Daily Telegraph in the 1960s, contrasts the characteristic writing and......

Without Prejudice

Sir: You must have been hurt by Robin Wight's unwarranted slur (Letters, 2 8 November). He wrote that biased journal - ism is 'most unlike' The Spectator. Were that the case you......

Sir: Roy Roebuck's Lengthy Letter Can Be Summed Up In

five words: Wigg didn't tell him everything. Galling that must be, but Wigg was always secretive. However, I'm glad he asserts that Wigg didn't probe the sexual peccadilloes of......

No Thank You

Sir: Karen Robinson stopped short of telling the full story of her party (`No return to sender', 28 November). What I want to know is, did she receive any thank-you letters,......

Russian Roulette

Sir: If I read Richard Lamb right (Letters, 21 November), he thinks that Chamberlain should have gambled the future of Britain upon a single-line railway from Romania to......