Autobiographical Notes and Lectures. By the late Samuel Edgar, B.A.
(Isbister.)—Autobiographies written with sincerity cannot fail to interest, and the eincerity of Mr. Edgar's recollections and recorded convictions is manifest. He was a Nonconformist minister who, after working with varied success at Birmingham (where he came in contact with, but did not like, George Dawson), at Kimbolton, and at Abingdon, emigrated to Auckland, New Zealand. Here he finally arrived at the conclusion, to which, indeed, he had been tending for some time, that Protestantism was a gigantic failure. He found what he wanted in Swedenborg, though be could not subscribe to that teacher's orthodox views about the personality of Christ. His views on this matter are expressed in the chapter entitled " Auckland." The second part of the volume consists of lectures; "Socrates," "Swedenborg,' and " Spiritualism " are among the subjects. The last is unfinished, a condition the more to be regretted as the argu- ment is put with force.