Reminiscences Of An Attaché. By Hubert E. H. Jerningham. (w.
Blackwood and Sone.)—A gentleman who saw Montalembert, Lacordaire, Guizot, Osiers, Gambetta, and Napoleon III., and has been at the pains to record his impression% must have......
The Hew Zealand Year - Book. By H. Stonehewer Coo Per....
Low and Co.)—We suppose it is a part of the general Colonial goaheadnesa that the New Zealand Year - Book for 1887 made its appearance in October, 1886. It is an elaborate work,......
Current Literature.
In the new threepenny magazine, the Hour Glass (A. G. Dawson), of which the second number has now appeared, a really praise- worthy attempt is being made to combine, if not......
Translations From Horace, And A Few Original Poems. By Sir
Stephen E. de Vero, Bart. Second Edition, Enlarged. (Bell and Son.)—We reviewed the first edition of Sir Stephen de Vere's translations on its appearance at some length, and......
Australian Pictures. By Henry Willoughby. (religious...
are extremely well drawn, both in pencil and pen. The illustrations enable one to form a far more exact idea of an Australian city, and of the Australian country, with its flora......