The Disorders Of Digestion: Their Consequences And...
Lander Brunton. (Maomillan.)—Something less than a fourth of this volume ia occupied with three " Lettsomialt Lectures," delivered by the author before the Medical Society ; the......
The Hew Zealand Year - Book. By H. Stonehewer Coo Per....
Low and Co.)—We suppose it is a part of the general Colonial goaheadnesa that the New Zealand Year - Book for 1887 made its appearance in October, 1886. It is an elaborate work,......
The Life Of Oar Lord ,feasts Christ, By Emma Marshall
(Nisbet and Co.), has reached its fourth thousand. It is told in the simplest language, and is intended for " very young children." The illustra- tions are good.—Lady Brassey......
Autobiographical Notes And Lectures. By The Late Samuel...
(Isbister.)—Autobiographies written with sincerity cannot fail to interest, and the eincerity of Mr. Edgar's recollections and recorded convictions is manifest. He was a......
"manners Makyth Man." By The Author Of "how To Be
Happy though Married," (T. Fisher Unwin.)—This volume is constructed very much on the same lines as was the author's former volume. It is not quite as good reading. The stook of......
Brueton's Bayou. By John Habberton. (chatto And Windna)--...
of this tale is something of a Juliet, her Romeo being a young gentleman from New York who has coma South on badness, and meets his fate, and a very pleasant fate too. It in a......
Fifty - Five Guineas Reward. By Fred. C. Milford. (field...
may be doubted whether, when a man once has his eye on the " agony " oolamn, his attention would be more probably attracted by the oddity of the sum offered for a reward, or by......
Dottings Of A Dosser. By Howard J. Goldsmid. (t. Fisher
Uswin.) —A "dosser" is the frequenter of the lodging-houses of the poor. Mr. Goldsmid assumed this character, and he tells us in this volume some of his experiences. Society......
Snore-bound At Eagle's. By Bret Harts. (ward And...
hero of this story is a " road-agent" (as they call a highwayman in the West) of a very heroic type indeed,—a Claude Duval, with the gayest spirits and best manners conceivable.......
" Phomeornm
Velut profogit ersearata °Wit. Agree atque Laren patrios, Imbitandaque fana Apris reliquit at rapacibus lupis." Mr. Elgood translates, "Let us emulate the Phocreans who bound......