12 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—In Mr. Lloyd George's speech reported in the Times of December 23rd he states: "It was assumed that every Moham- medan in Smyrna was a Turk, but that was not the case, for there were Greek Mohammedans. It was not a question between good Christians and bad Turks, because there were numerous. Greeks in Smyrna who were Mohammedans." Now from this one would infer that the Mohammedan Greeks were pro-Greek, whereas they are the most fanatical and anti-Greek community in the country, and just after the Greek occupa- tion the Christian Greeks of Smyrna were quite nervous about rumours to the effect that the Moslem Greeks- were planning a raid on the Christian Greek quarter as reprisals for the

murder of Mohammedans. There is no love lost between Mohammedan and Christian Greeks.—I am, Sir, &c.,