A Large Body Of Sinn Feiners Ambushed A Police Patrol
at Rosacarbery, County Cork, on Wednesday, February 2nd. They were beaten off with loss. On February 3rd a patrol was ambushed by rebels at New Pallas, near Limerick ; nine......
The Model Election Held Last Week By The Proportional Repre-
sentation Society through the newspapers was a successful experiment. In all, 35,714 persons filled up ballot-papers, and the seven candidates elected out of fifteen were all......
The Associated Society Of Locomotive Engineers And...
a strike to begin on or after next Tuesday. Mr. Bromley, Secretary of the Association, has announced that the strike will certainly take place unless the Government consent to......
Dr. Cohalan, The Roman Catholic Bishop Of Cork, In His
Lenten pastoral, said that, according to the teaching of his Church, the mere proclamation of an Irish Republic by the Sinn Fein members did not constitute Ireland a Republic.......
The Trade Returns For January Show A Heavy Fall In
imports, a decline in exports, and a great reduction in the re-exports which form so profitable a part of our trade. The imports, valued at £117,050,000, were less by......
Mr. Chamberlain Referred In A Second Speech, On Friday,...
4th, to our foreign loans. He said that he wanted the Allied and Associated Governments to wipe out their inter- national debts when the war ended. " We made such proposals, but......
The Farmers Who Cannot Now Sell Their Wheat Except At
a loss have a real grievance against the Government. On March 11th, 1920, Mr. Lloyd George announced that the price of sound British milling wheat should be the monthly average......
The Building Trade Unions Last Week Rejected The...
of a partial guarantee for time lost in wet weather and of a sum of £250,000 if they would admit 50,000 ex-Service men to fill their depleted ranks. In the ballot, 310,000 men......
What The Government Ought To Do Is To Organize The
ex-Service men on their own account without saying so much as " by your leave " to the building unions. There is so great a need for houses that there would be no clashing......
Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Apr. 15, 1920; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 85i ; Thursday week, 84i ; a year ago, 90i.......