Dr. Cohalan, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Cork, in his
Lenten pastoral, said that, according to the teaching of his Church, the mere proclamation of an Irish Republic by the Sinn Fein members did not constitute Ireland a Republic. The proposition that a sovereign state could be established in such a way would strike at the stability of all states. If a Parliamentary majority could set up a Republic, a possible majority after the next election might overthrow it. " What if North-East Ulster declared itself a Republic ? " Dr. Cohalan pointed out that " if Ireland is a sovereign state, she has the right to use physical force, but if not, physical force is unlawful." As she was not a Republic, the murder campaign was not in accordance with Church teaching. Moreover, the resort to physical force had always failed in the past. The Bishop went on to suggest that the South had better make the best of the Home Rule Act, as an alternative to Crown Colony rule. Dr. Cohalan's condemnation of the murder-gangs is welcome. We trust that his fellow-prelates will hasten to endorse it.