The Scientific Papers Of Bertram Hopkinson. Collected By...
Alfred Ewing and Sir Joseph Larmor. (Cambridge University Press. 63s. net.)—The late Professor Hopkinson was killed in August, 1918, when he was serving with the Royal Air......
Johnson Club Papers. By Various Hands. Edited By G. Whale
and J. Sargeaunt. (T. Fisher Unwin. 10s. 6d. net.)— The Johnson Club published in 1899 a first volume of the papers read at its quarterly meetings. It has now produced a second......
The Poems Of John Keats. Edited By E. De Selincourt.
(Methuen. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. de Selineourt has revised this fourth issue of his well-known and excellent edition of Keats, and has added four poems and some notes based on a......
A New England Romance. By The Peabodys. (houghton Miffin....
authors of this delightful book were for- tunate in having such attractive parents and ancestors. The marrying of the Nonconformist Ephraim Peabody and Mary Jane Derby, a young......
Practical Hints On Training For The Stage, By Agnes Platt
(Stanley Paul. 3s. 6d.), contains some hints on the dramatic art that should be useful to would-be actors and actresses. . It contains much common sense and is easy to read.......
The Origin And Growth Of The English Parish. By 0.
J. Reichel. (Society of St. Peter and St. Paul. ls. 6d.)—This is a very lucid summary of a complex subject, illustrated from the Exeter episcopal registers. Mr. Reichel shows......
The Arts And Living. By John Abthorne. (heinemann. Els.)
The author appreciates finely, and in his comments on Hazlitt and the Restoration drama he betrays both enthusiasm and learning, and one discerns in him a literary critic of......
Mr. A. J. Finberg Has Written A Pamphlet On The
First Exhibition • of the New Society of Graphic Art (A. Moring, 2s.), in which he contends that " the saner elements in social life " ought to rally to the support of " the......
Reminiscences And Anticipations. By J. Joly. (t. Fisher...
net.)—The well-known Professor of Geology at Trinity College, Dublin, has put together some interesting essays in this volume. In one of them he describes a cruise of inspection......
Antiques Genuine And Spurious. By Frederick Litchfield....
Litchfield writes as an expert for the benefit of the amateur in porcelain, furniture, enamels, and bronzes, sketching the history of each class of work and giving useful hints......
Miss Mary Houston And Miss Florence Hornblower Have Pro-...
in Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian Costume (A. and C. Black, 10e. 6d.) a book that will please most women of an inventive turn of mind. To the dress designer the book......
One Hundred Years Of Singapore. Edited By W. Makepeace, Dr.
G. E. Brooke, and R. St. J. Braddell. 2 vols. (Murray. 42e. net.)—Singapore was founded on an almost uninhabited island in February, 1819, by Sir Stamford Raffles. These......
The High Commissioner For The South African Union Has Sent
us an attractive and interesting little book on Travel in South Africa, which is published by the general manager of the South African Railways, and may be had free on......