Johnson Club Papers. By Various Hands. Edited by G. Whale
and J. Sargeaunt. (T. Fisher Unwin. 10s. 6d. net.)— The Johnson Club published in 1899 a first volume of the papers read at its quarterly meetings. It has now produced a second volume, written by Johnsonians for Johnsoniane, and profoundly interesting to readers of the right sort. Mr. Walkley writes on " Johnson and the Theatre," discussing the Doctor's youthful love for the stage and his alienation from it in after years when the actor's affectation had become intolerable to him. Mr. E. S. Roscoe deals with " Dr. Johnson and the law," Sir Charles Russell with " Dr. Johnson and the Catholic Church," the late Sir G. Radford with the Dictionary, the late Mr. S. L. Hughes with " Dr. Johnson's Expletives," noting that the Doctor, for all his long sentences, was " a great master of condensed criticism," as in his famous remark about Chesterfield's letters.