12 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 24

Reminiscences and Anticipations. By J. Joly. (T. Fisher Unwin. 15s.

net.)—The well-known Professor of Geology at Trinity College, Dublin, has put together some interesting essays in this volume. In one of them he describes a cruise of inspection of Irish lighthouses ; in another ho records a visit to the Foze Rocks, ten miles off Valentia—a volcanic group on which few men have ever landed. His paper suggested by his American tour with the British Educational Mission is worth reading ; he compares, for instance, the generous provision made for agricultural research in America with the inadequate facilities offered to students in Ireland. In the closing chapter he narrates his experiences in the rebellion of Easter, 1916, when he was one of the garrison of Trinity College ; eight Australian soldiers on leave joined the handful of Fellows and students and held the College till reinforcements arrived. The College then became the military headquarters, and was saved from the ruin that overtook a great part of the city.