12 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 14


[To me EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—One has recently seen a good deal in the Press about importation into the United Kingdom of store cattle from Canada. But there is one aspect of the question which seems to have received little, if any,, consideration—the sufferings undergone by the unhappy animals thus imported during their passage across the Atlantic. Any spectacle more distressing to a lover of animals than the plight during stormy weather of terrified cattle, crowded together, often thrown off their feet, constantly drenched with icy water, it would be hard to imagine. It would be much less cruel to slaughter them in Canada and send the carcases- across in cold storage.. The matter surely deserves the attention of the R.S.P.C.A.—I am, Sir, &c., H. C. IRWIN. Mount Irwin, Tynan, Co. Armagh.