12 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 14



SIR,—You were good enough to insert in your columns some little time ago a letter from us referring to a proposed memorial to the late Canon Rawnsley, who was one of the founders of the National Trust, and for many years its honorary secretary. The response to the appeal made in that letter has been suf- ficient to show how widespread is the desire to give public and permanent expression to the feelings, of admiration and gratitude which the character and work of Canon Rawnsley had aroused, but many who would wish to contribute to the Memorial Fund have, not unnaturally, waited to learn what form the memorial would take.

We expressed the hope that we might be enabled to purchase some place of natural beauty in the- Lake District, so beloved of the late Canon,. and happily an opportunity has occurred of realizing this ambition. We have been offered an option of purchase of Friar's Crag, Lord's Island, and eight acres of Scarf Close -Bay on the shores ,of Derwentwater for the sum of £2,300. It is felt that no mere suitable site could be found for -a memorial to Canon Rawnsley, who was intimately asso- ciated for so many years with this district, and it is earnestly loped that sufficient support will be immediately forthcoming to enable the National Trust to complete the purchase. Friar's Crag is- well known as a view-point on the lake, and the pros- pect from Lord's Island is almost equally beautiful, while the strip of lake-shore in Scarf Close Bay, beneath Walla Crag, lying between the road and the lake, will secure for the public benefit a. peculiarly beautiful area with some fine timber.

The option of purchase _extends only for six months from now, and it is hoped that all who wish to help in perpetuating the memory and aiding the work of one to whom they owe so much will forward their contributions to the Secretary, the National -Trust, 25 Victoria Street, S.W. 1, by whom donations will be gratefully received.—We are, - Sir, &c.,

PLYMOUTH, Chairman of Executive Committee; JAMES W. LOWTHER, Vice-President; Jour; BAILEY, Vice-Chairman Executive Committee.