12 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 2

The Prime Minister addressed the Welsh National Liberal Council on

Wednesday, with special reference to the Cardigan by-election. The Council was so far moved by his speech as to resolve, by 43 votes to 5, to support the Coalition candidate, Captain Ernest Evans, who is the Prime Minister's private secretary. Mr. Lloyd George said that the Independent Liberal candidate, Mr. Llewellyn Williams, had questioned the right of the Carnarvon Liberal Association to nominate him in 1918, and could not now complain if the decision of the Cardigan Liberal Association were challenged by the Coalition Liberals. Mr. Lloyd George predicted that, if there were a General Election, the Independents would not win a hundred seats. He declared that the Coalition was still necessary to the country, and that on the main questions of policy—reparation from ,Germany, economy, justice for the non-Turkish peoples in Western Asia, Home Rule but not independence for Ireland—Liberals of all shades could hardly differ. If Cardigan returned Captain Evans, said Mr. Lloyd George, it would be an encouragement to him in his arduous labours. An electoral reverse in Wales would hurt him, but he would do his duty.