[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.]
The London Mercury for February has some highly interesting reminiscences by Dr. Ethel Smyth of Berlin and the Kaiser and Prince Billow in 1901-2. Dr. Smyth was struck by the grotesque " Kaiser cult " which prevailed in Berlin, and by Prince Billow's profound misconception of British public opinion. If so clever a man as Prince Billow totally misunderstood us, it is not surprising that the lesser politicians went utterly wrong in their forecast of what we should do under given cir- cumstances. Mr. H. C. Harwood has an interesting and kindly article on " Mark Rutherford," and Mr. John Freeman sketches " An English Portrait " of Cobbett. Mr. A. W. Pollard's lucid exposition of " The Need of Bibliography " is well worth reading. Six of Mr. Edmund Blunden's poems about rustic scenes are given in the opening pages, where, too, may be found a vigorous denunciation of the new Victory Medal—a creditable design spoiled in manufacture at Woolwich Arsenal.