NEW Mers.—Messrs. Stanford have published a new edition of their
excellent Library Map of North America (45s.) in four sheets, on a scale of about 83 miles to an inch. It is printed in colours and, though full of detail, is admirably clear. The latest .Arctic discoveries are of course shown. It is instructive to notice, by comparison with earlier editions of the map, how rapidly Northern Canada is being settled. There will be few vacant spaces in maps of the prairie provinces ten years hence. —The same publishers issue a now Library Chart of the World (21s.) in four sheets, on a scale of 350 nautical miles to an inch. It is beautifully printed in colours, and shows the new boundaries in Europe and elsewhere, as defined at the date of compilation. The map extends from Northern Greenland to the Southern Magnetic Pole. It is useful to look at Russia and Siberia on a world-map of this scale and to contrast those vast countries with the States of Western Europe. The Pacific, too, is interesting to contemplate in its relation to Japan, Australia, Canada, and America. Nauru, by the way, is duly marked on this map— a mere speck near the Equator.—Messrs. Stanford and Messrs. W. and A. K. Johnston have published five more sheets of the excellent Gold Coast Survey (5s. per sheet) on a scale of about two miles to an inch.