12 JANUARY 1929, Page 12

A Hundred Years Ago

A meeting of the inhabitants of Southwark was held on Thursday, at the Town-hall, to receive a report as to the practicability of supplying the Borough with pure water, in place of the present supply from the Thimes. The report was drawn up by Mr. Easton and recommended that the supply of water for Southwark should be derived from the river Wandle. It seemed to be the opinion of some, that the water of the Thames was not so very exceptionable as was generally imagined. Among other suggestions, the filtration of the water by' means of cotton rags was mentioned. After a desultory discussion, the meeting separated without coming to any resolution. Sir Robert Wilson was present, and received thanks for his attendance.


Divine service was performed on Tuesday morning at the Chapel Royal ; in the course of which, the usual offerings of gold, myrrhi and frankincense, were made at the altar; by a deputation from the Lord Chamberlain's office. Lest people should be at loss foe; the meaning of the ceremony, the antiquarians of the daily press repeat their annual observation, that " this ancient' custom is kept up in commemoration Of 'the visit of the Eastern Magi to '

Bethleliem.". - -